Coming by train and bus
Access to Nozawa Onsen by Train & Bus – Timetable information

Train options from major stations

>> train info from the Japan rail official website

Buses from Iiyama station (Chikuma river exit on your left)
- The Nozawa Onsen liner departs from bus stop 4. It’s an express service and runs directly to Nozawa Onsen and takes about 25minutes.
- Nagaden bus departs from bus stop 2. It’s a town service and runs via Iiyama and Kijimadaira to Nozawa and takes about 40minutes.
Tickets for Nozawa liner has to be purchased at the ticket machine next to the bus stop. For Nagaden buses, tickets are to be paid directly inside the bus when getting off (do not forget to pick your ticket when hopping in the bus)