Shops and Restaurants

Cafe Nishio

Cafe Nishio

Food MAP: B-10

Nishio is the best value cafe in Nozawaonsen. It offers the unbeatable Nagoya-style morning set- a choice of simple breakfast options served for the price of your favourite drink. It is located toward the bottom of town near the JA gas stand, and has a relaxed atmosphere with a fire place set in the middle of the dining area.

Town map


Specialties Breakfast set menu, Coffee and tea
Price per person ~1000yen
Open Winter : 6am-5pm
Summer : 8am-5pm
Close Thursdays
Capacity 27
Tel 0269-67-0716
Payment Method Cash, VISA, JCB, Mastercard, American Express, Diners Club, 銀聯(Union Pay),