Shops and Restaurants

Food village kongou

Food village kongou

Food MAP: C-7

Kongo is a great foodcourt-style venue with 6 different shops selling everything from thai curries, and crispy gyoza to traditional handmade jyuwari (wheat free) soba. The building- a former steel works- is huge and there are more than 100 seats, a kid’s corner and a mezzanine area where you
can have Yakiniku (BBQ) at your table.
(By appointment). The centre piece of the building is a huge replica of the Nozawa onsen fire festival “shaden” – a temple like structure that towers over the ground floor tables. It has something for the whole family and is a must see while in Nozawa.

Town map


Specialties Thai, Zaru soba, Ramen
Price per person 500~1000yen
Open Lunch : 11am-2pm
Dinner : 5pm-10pm
Close Summer : Irregularly
Capacity 120
Tel 0269-67-0348
Payment Method Cash, VISA, JCB, Mastercard,