Shops and Restaurants

Nappa cafe (78 Cafe)

Nappa cafe (78 Cafe)

Food MAP: F-3

Nappa cafe is a cozy cafe decorated with an eclectic selection of figurines, cats, dolls and other collectables. The walls have many photos of Nozawaonsen street scenes from the black and white era. We serve a simple but very good lunch menu, great coffee, cake and other desserts. The Otona-set (Adult set) is a small plate of snack items served with either a Heartland draft beer or Local sake-be sure to try!

Town map


Specialties Baked curry
Price per person ~2000yen
Open 10am-6pm (LO 5pm)
Close Wedesdays, Thursdays
Capacity 11
Tel 080-1250-7878
Payment Method Cash only,
Website http://nappa-cafe.comm