Shops and Restaurants

Rental & Espresso House St.Anton

Rental & Espresso House St.Anton

Rental shop MAP: G-3

St.Anton rental is located at the Hikage ski area next to the kid’s park and adjacent to the Hikage ski centre. St.Anton is easily accessed from the village via the Yu road travellator. We stock a wide range of premium ski and snowboards. There is a small coffee shop in the rental shop so you can get your morning espresso before you hit the slopes!

Town map


Specialties Skis, Snowboards, Ski wear
Price per person Kids Ski set : ~3400yen / day
Ski set High grade : ~5400yen / day
Open 8:30am-4:30pm
Tel 080-8731-1775
Payment Method Cash, VISA, JCB, Mastercard, American Express, Diners Club, 銀聯(Union Pay),